Policies > Recruitment and Selection Policy
Castletroy Hockey Club Recruitment and Selection Policy
Castletroy Hockey Club will take all reasonable steps to ensure that adults working with young people are suitable and appropriately qualified. Recruitment and selection procedures will apply to all persons with substantial access to young people, whether paid or unpaid. A decision to appoint a Leader is the responsibility of Castletroy Hockey Club and not of any one individual within it. The relevant committees should ratify all recommendations for appointment.
Castletroy Hockey Club will use the following as a suitable procedure:-
The responsibilities of the role and the level of experience/qualifications required should be drawn up and clearly stated.
Before taking on the role the leader should be made aware of the Code of Conduct as it relates to young people and any related guidelines within this document. Before being voted / nominated / appointed to a position which brings them in contact with young people, the leader should be made aware of the Code of Conduct as it relates to young people and any related guidelines within this document. This involves newly recruited volunteers, paid personnel and all volunteers assigned by the club for that season.
New leaders should fill in an information and self-declaration form, giving names of two referees who will be contacted verbally and using the self-declaration questions.
All new volunteers should undergo an induction; this can be done in an informal manner. Following this, a probationary period is advisable. Probationary period of 6 months will be applied.
New and existing Leaders will sign the appropriate Code of Conduct
Adequate supervision should always be provided; a leader should not have to work alone. Every session will be supervised by a person who is not a coach.
Every effort should be made to manage and support appointed Leaders. Coaching courses and workshops will be provided, Codes of Conduct will be made available and vetting will be implemented. The Vetting Policy used by Hockey Ireland is the Garda vetting service in ROI. This means that anyone in hockey including in Castletroy Hockey Club who provides leisure or physical activities to children or vulnerable persons (Garda Vetting Bureau Act) is required to be vetted in ROI. Vetting is just one part of Castletroy Hockey Club’s overall Recruitment and Selection Policy, the aim of which is to ensure that children and vulnerable people playing our sport do so in safe and fun environment. Vetting also provides protection by providing a barrier for an individual who is unsuitable to work with children.